
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello family and friends of team Swazi!  I know you guys prey on the computer waiting for the next update about your kids so here you go.  Today is a beautiful day here and the team is out at an orphanage loving on kids.  It makes my heart smile to see them fully engaging with these kids and loving them out of the overflow of their hearts.  Later this week you’ll hear more stories on here from your kids, and tomorrow afternoon we’ll bring the entire team into town to email home.  I know you look forward to hearing from them.

One of the team’s favorite ministry locations is the
homestead area located just behind our house.  Several times a week we
spend the afternoon hours in this rural area. We can be found trekking up the dirt paths of the mountain leading to
people’s homes, talking to people on the roadside, playing with children who
always seem to find the visitors, yielding to the cows that roam freely,
getting to know our new friends, and fully embracing the Swazi culture. God has simply dropped this ministry in our
lap…it was such an unexpected surprise.  The team is engaging and
investing in people – focusing on building relationships.  During this
ministry we split into 3 groups and each group returns to their specific side
of the mountain to visit with the same families several times a week.  It’s
fun to watch these relationships develop and to talk about what we saw as we
process at the end of the day. The
students have started taking ownership in this ministry and we’ve heard on
occasion references to their “Swazi family.” Praise God for him crossing our paths with these incredible people. 

One of the other ministries that has impacted our team
greatly is the hospital. On Saturday we
visited the government hospital in Mbabane
and have gone back a few times since then to volunteer in the children’s ward. 
The team has been completely wrecked by this!  The Lord has opened up a
door for us to simply love on His children at the hospital, both the kids who
have family and the abandoned children. I was specifically struck at one moment on Saturday afternoon. As we were all sitting in this back room
holding the abandoned babies, all got quiet as if a wave of silence swept
through the room. I looked around to see
all of our students holding babies tight against their chests with tears in
their eyes. It was at that point that the
reality of this hit everyone in there.  Soon it was time to leave and we
all reluctantly put the babies back in their cribs. As we walked out of the hospital in silence,
everyone was inwardly processing in their own ways.  It was a tough
thing. That night we had a great time of
debriefing all of this and sharing our hearts.  We’re all wrecked for
sure!  But the team is choosing to be vulnerable and real and to walk through
hard things together. In this God is

11 responses to “God is at work in Mighty ways!”

  1. TEARS HERE TOO! This trip to the hospital had to be such an emotional event! I could never imagine being there without a faith in Jesus and His love for all His children. He is our strength. I miss you Shannon and love you so much. We will pray for all of you, in Jesus’ Name, at bible study tonight. Thanks to our Heavenly Father for the strength He gives us. Love to the Swazi Team and the Swaziland people.
    Ma Coop (Shannon’s Mom)

  2. With tears rolling down my face, I am touched by this post.
    What amazing, and sometimes painful things you and the team are experiencing to share the love of Jesus.
    Let the Lord be your sustenance as you share the Love and Hope that Jesus brings.

  3. I too wept as I read this post. God is truly working through each one of you. As you continue to pour out His love to these people,God will fill you to overflowing with His Grace and even more of His love to give to them!
    Kaitlin, I miss you terribly! But I know that you are in the center of God’s will. Hold a baby for me and tell them that “Mammy loves you too”. I am on the countdown for your return home. I LOVE YOU! Mom 🙂

  4. We’re eagerly reading each new blog and comment, to follow your ministry as closely as we can. It’s a blessing for us, and that’s a pale shadow of the effect it must be having on you. Must be overwhelming. We’re impressed at the way God works through who you are, and your willingness to be available to Him.
    On this particular day, we also want to wish Pete a happy birthday. You’re in the right place, doing the right thing, being the right person, Pete. All love.

  5. This is incredible and my heart broke when I read the first posts the other day. I know you Katy and I knew it would be hard to let these little ones go. How hard to do but what a precious and honoring assignment the Lord has given all of you! You are all in our prayers. Hannah is on her way to Malawi now. Should be there by tomorrow (7/2). We love you Katie, miss you and can’t wait to hear what the Lord has done in your part of Africa! Go change the world gal!
    Love you bunches – Mama P.

  6. Thank you for sharing what is going on there. May you all be changed in ways that will give you hearts that burn to reach all of the world (including the USA) with God and His love. You are all in our prayers, many times a day!

  7. Sarah’s Mom, Wow! I can’t wait to get an email from Sarah tomorrow!! I love reading about all the experiences the team is having and I know there must be some very full hearts for these hurting people of Swaziland. But, God has placed all of you exactly where He needs you to show His great love and mercy to the least of these!! A Very Lonesome, Mom I love you, Sarah!!

  8. Whoa, Katie!
    What an amazing way to be His hands! How humbling! How so God! We all love, all of you!You are in my prayers daily. I will be out of town for awhile but dont think Im not praying. Be open to anything He lays on your heart to do. Dont hold back. Remember He said that you would do even greater things than He did. Think what He did

  9. Hey Ian! I got your message on my website! You can use my email address if you get to email again [email protected]

    A proposal, huh?! So glad to hear you said ‘no!’ It’s the face… you’re man enough to admit it… it’s the face, Dude!! 😉 I can’t wait to hear all of your stories when you come home.

    We love you and miss you like crazy! Everyone here says ‘hello!’ We sure can tell you are gone during dinner-time…. we’ve got WAY TOO many left-overs!!!

    Praying for you!!!!

  10. We waited all day to receive Sarah’s email from Swaziland we checked the email a thousand times if we checked it once We were very disappointed when we did not receive one! This is very hard to go through, but God is still in control, I know!! Waiting at home in much prayer. Love, Mom

  11. We waited all day to receive Sarah’s email from Swaziland we checked the email a thousand times if we checked it once We were very disappointed when we did not receive one! This is very hard to go through, but God is still in control, I know!! Waiting at home in much prayer. Love, Mom