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Hey team! My name is Kayla and I’m one of your leaders for this summer. I just wanted to take a second to introduce myself here on our lovely blog.  I’m really excited to meet you guys and walk alongside you as we love God and love His people in Swaziland! I am thrilled that the Lord has crossed our paths and given us this amazing opportunity to see what He is doing in the world around us.

Here’s a little blurb about me… I was born in the great state of Texas, and grew up in the spacious plains of West Texas. While I was in high school, God grew my heart for missions through various mission trips with my youth group including annual trips to Mexico and various domestic mission trips. I went to McMurry University in Abilene, TX, and graduated in December of 2004. My experience with Adventures In Missions began in January of 2005 as I participated in the First Year Missionary (FYM) Program in Kenya. During the semester as an FYM, God opened doors and led me to come on staff with AIM in August of 2005. I was in Kenya leading FYM teams from August 2005 until May 2007 when I returned to the States for a season. I am now residing in Gainesville, GA and working at the AIM office. I am a part of the International Discipleship Ministries (IDM) department and am working specifically with our field staff. I am loving life here in GA, learning a lot, and being stretched in ways I never imagined. I love people and am passionate about seeking God directly, worshipping God sincerely, and living for God daily. Exciting things are happening here at AIM, and I’m honored to be a part of it.

Be checking this blog for regular updates and fun information. Have a great day and take time to relish in God’s presence today. May you hear Him singing over you, for He delights in you.

2 responses to “Hey team!!”

  1. Hi Kayla! I’m really excited to get to know you and the other AIM leaders for this trip! It sounds like you’ve had a lot of experience on the field and I’m looking forward to getting to hear about what you’ve learned and some of the stories that you have about God’s faithfulness on those trips and in your life. Hopefully God will bless us with experiences that we won’t forget and will be able to share with others so that they can see God’s power.

    Thanks for the reminder that God delights in us. It is so easy to forget this and that we were made to delight in him as well.

    As we go into the mission field as a team it is definitely important to know that the reason we go is to bring God more delight and more glory by leading others to worship the king!

  2. Hey Kayla! Thanks so much for the comment! you seem very nice and i can’t wait to meet you!