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  •    I was adopted when I was eight years old and until that time I did not know anything about God and had only heard of Jesus Christ in a negative way. I was introduced to Jesus Christ and accepted him as my Savior and began my walk. Apart from my family and the teaching I got there, Bible Camp is the place where my walk was expounded. I had been going to camp for several years and my walk was comfortable, not growing a lot , but comfortable. Two years ago, all of that changed as God put a friend in my life that was to become my best friend. I had never had a friendship built around the Lord and it has beenso exciting for me. Although over 200 miles seperate us, we have the phone and use it all of the time . Knowing that there is someone there who understands all that I am going through and the trials of being a Christian at a secular school with few other Christians and the struggles of working through the past is sometimes all that gets me through the day. Having a friend who will not only listen and encourage, but will also confront sin that “so easily besets” me. Having that kind of a friend has also helped me to open up to my parents and to begin sharing and praying more with them. I have been challenged to growup in the Lord and knowing that there is someone who I also can be honest with and grow with has made me realize that I am not alone in all the fears and concerns that teens go through. I have learned to love and be loved in a new way. A true friendship built around the love of the Lord is a gift from God.

9 responses to “I believe”

  1. Chris-
    You and your friend’s relationship truly exemplifies Christ. How neccessary it is for us to have the fellowship of other believers in our lives.

  2. lol… I was wondering who “ro” was!

    Ya, secular high school can be pretty tough… i’m in the same boat as you are…

  3. Chris,
    I pray that you can build similar friendships with the people on your team and with the people is Swazi. God desires for us all to grow together in community, we are His body.

  4. Going to a secular school and being a Christian is definitely rough sometimes.. this is something that a lot of us can relate to.

    thank God that he has put someone like that in your life. I know what a blessing that is.

  5. Hey Chris,
    It’s good to hear about God’s faithfulness in providing a friend for you that can challenge you and cause you to grow in Christ!

    My best friend does the same sort of thing for me…I go to a Christian school, but he still calls me out when I mess up and is always trying to stretch me.

  6. You were right ;] That’s a cool story. I’ll totally keep you in prayer. I can only imagine how tough it’s gotta be. =]

  7. I think its great that you have such a strong relationship with your friend and god bless you both for encouraging each other to go in the right direction

  8. Chris –
    Great post, thanks for sharing! I thank God for those people He puts in our lives to live life together as we travel on this journey. Friendships like the one you speak of here are rare and worth fighting for.