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I have always been a firm believer in the thought that dating shouldn’t be all about fun and games. It should be about finding someone who truly completes you and helps you to make yourself better. I strongly believe that dating to find the kind of person you want to be with isn‘t logical. In my heart I already know what kind of person I want to spend the rest of my life with and trust that when I cross paths with that person god will reveal them to me.

My parents are a prime example of this. The dated on and off through high school. They both attended a Christian high school, and my moms father was a minister. My dad did not seem the best person in the school for a pastors daughter to date, he smoked, his dad was an alcoholic, and his brother was very aggressive toward everyone around him. But my mom says she had this feeling every time she was around him. Unfortunately they broke up a couple months before graduation, and my grandpa was moved to a new church a couple of hours away.

About two years later when my mom was on her way home from college for Christmas she was in a very serious accident that almost took her life. My dad read about it in the paper and sent her a card and asked if when she was feeling better they could go do something. And you probably all know what happened, they got back together, my dad showed my mom how he’d turned his life around, and two months later they were engaged. Then about eight years later my dad felt a calling to go into the ministry.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that my parents have never told me that I couldn’t date but that I needed to be careful and put it all in gods hands and to rely on him to find that perfect guy I will meet someday.

So my advice to you if you are dating someone, look deep into your heart and ask god if this person is serving god with you or because of you. It’s like stepping stones , you take them one at a time.

In Genesis 29:20it says,
So Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel. But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days. ” If you really love someone even if you do not know them, pray for them, and ask god to help the two of you prepare for the day you will meet and become one.

5 responses to “I believe dating is not a game its one of lifes many stepping stones”

  1. Amber- Your parents are truly glorifying God with their marriage! The Lord’s plans for us are so above our own. Praise Him for that!

  2. I love the advice! There’s actually several of us that agree with you about dating…actually courtship in one way or another is what like 4 of us are considering…it’s good to know that we can all agree on dating and stuff…it really helps to make things easy on trip because we aren’t there to find a boyfriend or girlfriend…we’re there to serve God!

    Thanks for the good word!

  3. Amber –
    Thanks for sharing this! Praise God for your parents and their godly example of marriage and healthy relationships.