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I believe that God and people in this world are doing more
than what I can see!

This is a fact that we all grew up knowing. We all have
watched TV and read books about other places in this world and many things that
go on in those places. It creates a sense of wonder and adventure inside our
hearts. I have always wanted to explore and to see more! To see the beautiful
landscapes that God has created and to experience the hardships that people
endure because of the fallen nature of man. These things are so different, yet
so intriguing to me.

Almost three years ago I got a DVD in the mail from a
similar organization to AIM.  I watched
the video and was so excited about the opportunity to go somewhere and do
something so different than anything I had done before. So I prayed about it
and finally the Spirit gave me the courage to ask my parents’ permission, and
from then on God has taken me to amazing places and shown me so much more than
I could ever have hoped for or imagined.

The first trip that I got accepted to go on was to Costa
Rica. I really did not know what to expect, but God took care of everything. It
was not easy along the way, but He taught my team how to have faith. One of the
greatest lessons that I learned was that the world is a lot bigger than the
United States and the people in it. We do not have everything figured out! The people
on my team came from different places and had different experiences, which
really helped to broaden my perspective.

Ever since that trip God has probably used hundreds of
people to shape my world view; each encounter being another valuable
opportunity to learn and grow. It is amazing to think about all the awesome
people, schooling, books, movies, and things on Discovery Channel and the
History Channel that have taught me so much about God’s world as well.

There are over 6 billion people in the world, each in their
own culture group with their own thoughts and opinions on life. Think a moment about
all that goes on in a day! Thousands of people are born, die, live in hunger, spend
their last and only dollar, get hurt, hear the gospel for the first time,
become martyrs, check their e-mail, eat food, go to work, get married, get
divorced, etc.  Despite their good or bad
situations all of them have one need.


We have been called help meet the essential need of people we
meet in Swaziland this summer. We cannot possibly know everything that goes on
in the world, but we can know that there is something bigger going on that what
we can see. Thankfully, our God is in charge of it all and helps us to see this
world in a new fashion of wonder and love.

3 responses to “I Believe…there is more…..”

  1. robert,
    thanks for bringing your insights and experience to the team. I love that you are aware that there is so much more going on than what we are aware of.

  2. Robert- Thank you for sharing more of your world view with us! I am excited to see how the Lord uses us this summer as we take Jesus to Swaziland!

  3. Rob – this is great! Thanks for sharing. I love it how the Lord uses all kinds of interesting experiences to shape our world view. I pray that we all have that “sense of wonder and adventure inside our hearts” that you spoke of.