
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My name is Whitney Hanson, and I am another one of
your leaders this summer! I am so pumped about getting to know each of you, and
together sharing the love of Jesus in Swazi! God has blessed us with an amazing
opportunity and I have no doubt that he is going to do great and powerful
things in Swaziland
his summer. If you have any questions/ concerns/ funny stories/ aching to chat
ect. please contact me anytime. I am praying for you guys!

A little about Whitney….
I am from Marietta, Georgia and have a crazy awesome
family (mom, dad, brother, dog). I live and go to school in Dahlonega,
GA at North Georgia
College and am majoring
in Middle Grades Education. I graduate next May :). Some of my favorite things
are hanging out with my middle school friends, any water sport, hiking,
camping, rock climbing, skydiving, any adventure, road trips, and just spending
time with people.
My freshman year of college God began placing a burning passion for the nations
within my heart. It has been really neat to see that passion grow and develop
over the past few years. Last summer the Lord called me to the Amazon Jungle on
a Real Life trip with AIM. In the jungle, God broke my heart for the unreached
people of the world, and I would love nothing more than to glorify my God by
taking the Gospel to those people. Right now, I am trying my best to walk in
obedience to the calling that God has laid on my life. My aim (though often I
fall so short) is to bring glory to God with my life day in and day out.

Have an awesome week! Stay tuned to the blog for updates and other fun stuff!

Love through me, Love of God;
Make me like thy clear air
Through which, unhindered, colors pass
As though it were not there.
Powers of the love of God,
Depths of the heart Divine,
O love that faileth not, break fourth,
And flood this world of Thine.
~Amy Carmichael