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This is a story from Lindsey Watson’s blog, who is currently in Swaziland.

precious kids have completely captured my heart the past week of so.
Nokwanda (7), Nomvuyo (4), and Setu (2) are three of the 8-15 children
that come to our carepoint in the morning for lessons. These kids
immediately caught my eye the first day I saw them. Their solemn
mannerisms and lack of emotion stood out from most of the others.
oldest, who is still only seven, cares for the younger two most of the
time, and I can see the burden of responsibility upon her constantly
throughout the day.

have gone to their home many times to gather them for the day, only to
find them alone in the dirt trying to clean their clothes. After asking
several questions through translators, we found out that the father
passed away a few years ago, and the mom leaves them very early in the
morning to beg for food so they can eat. Their house is made of mud and
rocks, and is smaller than many American bathrooms. These kids really
have captured my heart. As hopeless as the situation for these
youngsters seems, I have to remember that God is in control, and I just
need to do what I can cuz He will take it from there.

It has been so amazing already, each
day more and more personality and giggles come out of them. It is so so
neat to see little Setu laugh and play, because it took at least two
weeks to see his facial expression change in the slightest. The girls
are learning their letters, and are very smart. Earlier today I sent
Nokwanda home with a worksheet and crayon so she could practice the
letters in her name. Treasure, a swazi girl who lives with us, is
trying to get the mother a job through some connections she has which
would be so rad! I am so stoked to see where God takes these kids!!
Here are a few more pictures:

Nokwanda and Setu

Nomvuyo and Nokwanda