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I found out about this assignment I didn’t know what to say there since there
are so many things to say. Then I thought about a story but there’s are
so many of which I could choose from. I have some amazing stories to tell about for example,
how God virtually saved my life falling off a cliff. Or how he saved my life
when my heart started pumping over 250 beats a minute. But today, or at least
this moment I have a different story in mind.

bear with me… for there may be some “unpleasant events” in this


This story takes place in Emmaus Public
High School . It’s very large, there are
about three thousand students that attend this school. It has a multiple gyms,
swimming pool, Planetarium, Black Box and much more. So now that you have
somewhat of an idea of the setting. So now let’s go on with the story shall we.

(A few months ago)…(like 1
or 2ish)

One day (please bear with me) during my
Lunch period I decide to go to the bathroom. (I’m sorry if this bothers you…
but I am a human and I do need to go to the bathroom on occasions…) So I go to this bathroom (I’m a Male so this
is a Men’s Bathroom in case you were wondering)
I walk into the first stall next to the urinal (that’s a key
factor) Then I sit down… and go on
forth to the business I was trying to accomplish.. But then as I’m sitting
there staring threw the crack of the door… I hear a stream… A stream of
some-sort of liquid… I look and there landing on my shoes is a vivid yellow stream coming down on my foot. For a split second I wonder what is actually
happening here. As I look under the stall walls I see that this stream is
coming from the Urinal next to my stall. Although there is a wall between me
and whoever this other person happens to be, He is still somehow managing to
sit there in shock, wondering why this is actually happening, I listened and I
hear laughter coming from that guy. Then
this feeling of complete shame covers me. The thought that I just got violated
(PEED ON!) horrified me. And to be honest with you it got me upset. Very upset,
I mean to be honest with you I don’t think normal people just pee on people and
laugh at them after it happens. So,
then… as the Adrenaline start flowing throughout my body. I forcefully opened the stall door and walked
to the kid wearing black shoes with a red strip (since this was the only
evidence of who committed this treason).
I went up to him and said. “Did you just pee on me?” (no lie)

says back “Yeah” and then he starts laughing and two of his friends
behind him start laughing too.

was shocked I didn’t know what to do. I was mad but I just didn’t know what to
say what to do… I was terribly shocked… I didn’t think anyone could pee on
someone and then laugh in front of their face about it with absolutely NO
GUILT. Then the thought occurs to me…
that I need to do something… to defend myself. The thought of punching him in
the face comes to me… but then I sensed God telling me, that that might not
be the best idea. So I walk out of this bathroom… Leaving them in there

walk towards my lunch table as I feel my integrity being crushed. I walk with
shame since I possibly couldn’t walk any other way. I sat down at my lunch
table as the Urine smell filled the air.
Then I go on I tell others the story about how I just got horribly violated. Although the advice they gave me
wasn’t necessarily the best. They said “punch him in the face, You can
take him out.” holding a chocolate milk in their hand and imitating how I
could go on with this procedure. And another one bursted out “Take off
your shoes and wipe it all over him”.
As I look at the Chocolate Milk that was in this girl’s hand. I knew
that what the answer was. So I grabbed the chocolate Milk. And told God I’m
gonna seek revenge. I looked everywhere for this kid. Then I found him there he
was laughing with his friends about what he just had done. I walked up to him
with no real words said. I grabbed the chocolate Milk and poured it all over
his food. He grabbed my hand shouted a few curse word that I won’t mention.
Then I said “Hold on Buddy I’m not done yet” Still holding the chocolate milk with on hand
as he grabbed my arm for me to stop. I twist my arm and the chocolate milk goes
all over his face, jacket, and Sweatshirt. Then I looked him in the eye… As
anger rose in his eyes… He stood up Cursed and cursed… I said “Why in
the world are you yelling at me for when you just got done peeing all over
me?” He took his two hands and
pushed me… His cursing didn’t stop… Then his friends come from behind and
grabbed my shoulders. But then there was the good old Cafeteria Hall Monitors
that took us out. They took us to an Assistant Principle. I told them
everything that happened. They saw the chocolate milk on his sweatshirt they
saw my shoes they smelt the Urine then
they let me go. The lady yelled at this kid for a couple minutes. She said that he needed to buy me new shoes
and needed to clean the Bathrooms.
Although he never bought me new shoes the school supplied me with a
brand new pair of shoes.

(Few months later)

past Monday I went to Lunch. I was in line to buy my lunch with one of my
African American friends (Kevin). Kevin
was in front of me in this line and in front of him is this kid who peed on me.
This Kid puts in his ID# so he can buy his lunch. But the Lunch Lady kindly
says that he is twenty five cents short.
He gets upset because he wants to eat his lunch. He spits out some curse
words at this Lunch Lady.

I feel this rush like God’s telling me something. And I don’t know why but God told me exactly
what to do. I walked over infront of my friend kevin next to this kid as he and
the Lunch Lady were arguing. I interrupt and I said this to the Lunch Lady;

worry about it, I’ll pay for his lunch”
This boy was shocked… He looked
at me …. then looked at me again. I put in my ID# and then I paid for his
lunch. He thanked me and couldn’t stop
looking at me. Then I realized what God
meant by loving your enemies, I never really truly knew how hard that was till
that day.

thing is.. it wasn’t just a lunch it was a sign of forgiveness…

sign that I love my enemies. And that’s a hard thing to do.

kid asked me why… he said are you Jesus or something? and I thought about
it and the answer is “No, I’m just
a local representative”

If you would like to talk to me personally it probably would be easier on facebook or Instant Messenger

My Screen Name is: Frenchy5772

My Facebook Name is: John Luke Laube

My phone number is: (1) 610 967 5346

My e-mail address is: [email protected]

but it takes a while for me to respond on e-mails I’m much quicker with the other sources

-that’s me below hahahahaha… oh silly me…

10 responses to “TRUE STORY”

  1. John-
    I love how I could picture Christ through you as you selfishly stepped forward to pay for the guy’s meal. The love of Christ in us is so powerful! I appreciate your sense of humor as well.

  2. This is the best story EVER!

    you had no reason to be nervous about this assignment last night.. you obviously are great at expressing yourself.

    loved it!

  3. local representative…love the phraseology? (if that’s even a word)
    Good story! It’s good that God could work in you and use you to show Christ to another person, especially someone that humiliated you. He might have meant it in a sarcastic way but he saw Jesus in you! That’s awesome Praise God for this!

    If we think about it, we’ve humiliated God by retaliating against him, except we’ve done a lot worse than pee on his shoes and not buy him another pair, we told him to get off the throne Heaven because we want things our way.

    Praise God for His grace at work!

  4. john! that was absolutely hilarious…but totally hit hard at the same time. i can’t say for sure that i would have been as forgiving as you, but it’s incredible to see how you walked out your forgiveness by blessing him. schweet!

  5. Dude, that rocked! It’s is super hard forgiving your enemies… but it’s not worth going to hell for lol =]

  6. John –
    Your sense of humor is evident through this post. Thanks for sharing and for a good laugh. It’s cool how the Lord is teaching you Kingdom principles such as forgiveness through your everyday experiences.

  7. I trust and pray all is well>
    When do you leave for Swaziland? How is the training camp like? We went Kayaking with Jordan!!!
    lOVE YOU !!

  8. Great Story John Luke! I am anticipating wonderful stories about God’s mission accomplished through you this summer.