
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Has God ever told you something that you didn’t really want to hear?  Something that made you nervous, scared, or just made your skin crawl?  Chances are… you have.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 

About two years ago, I simply asked God where He wanted me to go as a missionary.  (I’ve known my call to be a foreign missionary since I was very young, but not where I’m meant to go)  So I asked.  And instead of an answer…. I got a question.  In fact, I got a question 3 times in a row.  His question was, “Are you willing to go anywhere, and do anything for me?”  The first time, of course I said, “yeah!”  I didn’t even think twice.  Then He asked me again.  The second time, I thought a little about it and said, “yep” again.  Who’s gonna tell God no, right?  The third time that God asked me the same question, I stopped.  I knew I couldn’t avoid it anymore, and I thought about what all could happen and where all I could be led.  All the stories I’ve ever heard about martyrs and persecution and missionaries in difficult places went through my head.  And then the weirdest thing happened… I said “Yes.  Send me Lord.”  I say that’s weird because shows like “Scooby Doo” and certain episodes of “Rugrats” scare me!

I was still trying to fathom what I had just said when God turned right around and told me three things that have since changed the plans that I had for my life… And changed my faith even more.

First, God told me that I will be sent to places that won’t necessarily be “fun”, and I probably won’t like it too much.  I will be lonely sometimes, and I will ask God, “why did you send me here and then leave me?” But He told me He will be right there with me. (Even if I can’t feel Him there.)

Second, the people I will be sent to won’t like me, the Message I bring them, or the One who sends me.  He even said that people will try to run me out, and sometimes they will succeed.  But He said He will be right beside me.

Third, God told me that if I remain in His will, I could possibly die for my faith.  But He will be standing beside me the whole time.  He understands sacrifice, and He will help me through it.  That’s a lot to take in at one time, and it would seem like I would be worried about this (seein as how I get scared watching Scooby Doo.)  But at that moment God calmed my spirit and gave me complete peace about whatever my future may hold. 

I know where God is leading me, and I know what could come as a result of following Him, but I am His child… And so are you!

You are not alone!

Be sober! Be on the alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your brothers in the world. Now the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will personally restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little. To Him be the dominion forever. Amen.

1 Peter 5:8-11