
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello team!

I hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday! Once again, I come bearing important information for you.

You all should be well aware that you are going on a mission trip in just a few short weeks. If this is news to you, call me immediately, we need to talk. 🙂 As you know, we will be very involved in ministry our entire time in Swaziland. This ministry could look like a variety of things including: children’s programs, teaching Bible in schools, encouraging and praying with believers, sharing the Gospel with people who have never heard it, preaching in churches or in street evangelism, teaching a Bible lesson to a small group of believers, sharing your testimony 1-on-1 or in larger groups, and a ton of other things.

That being said, you need to adjust your expectations that these things will indeed be happening on your trip. If you are scared to death to talk to share your testimony and you’re thinking you can get through the entire trip skirting that…you are deceiving yourself. But don’t freak out yet…it doesn’t have to be a scary thing. We’re all going to be there and will walk through this together. Plus, when you get here to training camp, we’ll be taking you through trainings to help you with these things.

Before you get here on June 14th, here’s what we need from you and expect from you:

1) Think through sharing your testimony. This doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s just a “God story” of how you have seen Him work in your life. Pick out one main idea of who God is to you today and think of a way to share that in a simple way. Share something significant you’ve learned from God in the past year, not something you learned 8 years ago. A testimony is not your life story of everything that’s ever happened to you. You will be sharing your testimony on various occasions and this is a great opportunity to share who God is in your life.

2) Come with some ideas for children’s programs. Everyone should come with at least 3 fun children’s songs that they can teach the group. These are SO useful out on the field working with kids. If you don’t know any…talk to your children’s minister at your church.

3) Start brainstorming for teaching a Bible study/preaching a sermon. Pick 1 main topic to cover and some scripture to back it up. We’ll provide some more guidance when you get here, but come prepared to teach/preach.

That’s it for this edition of important stuff. See you guys in 10 days!!


Check out this picture!  This will NOT happen to us, but i thought it was kind of a funny picture nonetheless.  Thought you might need some Wednesday afternoon entertainment.  🙂

2 responses to “Ministry Preparation”

  1. Kayla,
    I love you and I am so proud of you. You are still the same scared 16 year-old who struggled and wept because you had your “whole life planned out” (Which is so funny, now!) and God went and wrecked the whole thing. Yet look at how that broken moment has prepared you for this life that you lead.
    I tear-up when I reflect on you as a youthie and you now. You make me fall more in love with our amzing God and the way He his hands hold our lives.