Q-TIPS ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know if I’m allowed to Blog about Q-tips….but I bought a pack of 500 so we can all share those!! Don’t buy them unless you like a certain brand I guess? I got the Wal-Mart brand…
I was bored so I found some videos on Q-Tips that were made by people just as board as I was and decided to talk about Q-tips…maybe if you’re board you will watch them too!! They can be quite the useful things!!!!
So ummmm I don’t know if anyone knew this (which I didn’t until I came back from Mexico last year), you’re uhh not supposed to use q-tips for your ears. Doctor told me its bad for your ears, something about causing ear wax to be stuck on the eardrum. Haha sorry to burst your bubble about it
Yeah I really have no idea, I guess just squirting water in your ear or something is supposed to break up the wax.
Haha…so use them responsibly…wow
Wow. Thanks, Robert! Lord knows we all need those qt’zz =D
While on the topic of buying stuff…I figured I’d continue the tea conversation…I got some tea…I got 40 bags of earl grey…20 of darjeeling…and I want to get some other flavors too…maybe some Moroccan Pomegranate Rooibois by this company called Celestial Seasonings…I had some herbal tea by that company earlier and it was pretty good. There are a bunch of other teas at the big grocery store here…I might try and get some chai and see what chai tastes like
Chai tea is the best!!!
mint tea is pretty great too, that and english breakfast
Cool…do you want to bring some of those? I’ll still pick up some chai before I leave…I wanted to get the vanilla kind, I like vanilla.
wow thats fun
Ok…so I did some more shopping and came home with some Bigelow (brand name) vanilla chai and some celestial seasonings Madagascar Vanilla Red Tea…I’m actually having a cup of it right now and it’s quite good!
Yes! I like both of the new ones! yay for good tea.
So how are we supposed to clean our ears? Just a thought…not trying to be too sarcastic.
I know using a wash cloth when you’re showering helps somewhat..but doesn’t really get at what you want to get out.
I shall use them anyways.