
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well…. I’m packed and ready to go… why you might ask? leftCall me crazy, but, I’m going to the beach with my youth group the week before we leave for Swazi training. (It works out great because I’m meeting my family in Atlanta where we will spend the night at my grandmother’s before leaving the next day for training camp.)

If I seem a bit zombi-like when I get to training camp, there is a reason…. mainly being the ten hour bus ride up from Panama City Beach, Florida. It is such a cool God story because I was really disappointed that I would not be going to beach week with the youth group because I would be in Swazi. God is good! And He has given me the chance to go to beach week with all my friends even when I thought it was not posible! But God is not bound by what seems impossible.

In closing, I have some great news! Our family is adopting again! And this time it’s twins from Liberia, Africa! Here is a picture of them in their orphanage. We should get them in three months…..nSo right now my life is like super crazy. I can’t wait to see every one— see ya soon!