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Team Swazi is on the way to the airport!!  YEA!  Check back soon for updates on our incredible journey!  Thanks for your prayers.

7 responses to “We’re off!”

  1. Praying for you all a safe trip and may many be lead to the Lord from your mission in Swaziland.
    Love Jennifer’s Heath’s mom

  2. Praying for you all. Be safe! Be ready! God has some amazing things in store for all of you. Can’t wait to hear the good reports!

  3. Praying for you all!!! Can’t wait to hear how God used you in Swaziland 😀

  4. Praying for the Swazi Team to have a safe trip and that God touches your hearts, so that your work in Swaziland can make a difference in someone elses heart. It could make a difference to someone in Swaziland, at an airport, in Atlanta, or back in your own hometown. Our Lord is busy everywhere and His work is not always done where we plan on it, but where He wants it. He is such an awesome God and He has this whole trip under His control. Just make sure to listed to Him. Wish I knew which airline you are flying to Africa to see where you are at. God bless you all and please keep them safe Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray.

    Shannon Cooper’s Mom

  5. If you have faith and trust in our Lord, this trip will go as planned, by our Lord. It is all in His Control and you are all along for the ride. Cherish the moments when you know God is guiding you and telling you to do something or just to learn from a friend, a leader, a student, a baby, an orphan, or a mom and dad waiting impatiently to hear even the tiniest bit of information on the flight to Africa. What airline is it????? Where is it flying into??? I love you and I pray that you all take care of each other as a family. Love you the Most! Ma Coop

  6. I counted 21 in the group, which means everyone is there, which is very good. I think everyone here wants to buy the Swaziland t-shirt. I hope no one gets pick pocketed and if someone does get pickpocketed, I hope the pickpocketer can receive a message from God by a tract or a bible verse in the stolen goods. I love you all and Pray for your safety.
    God Bless You All.
    Love, Ma Coop

  7. Praying for your safety to Swaziland as well as life changing experiences! Hopefull we’ll see you guys there in a couple of weeks when we arrive 😀