
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Some may think senior year of high school is a breeze.  Some may think it’s like any other year.  Others may think it’s a stressful time where parents and teachers are pressuring you to make decisions about your future.  For my class, it has been a year of sorrow.  Never would we have imagined that in our senior year we would have to lay two friends to rest…


It was a Tuesday night in August, the week after I had just come home from a mission trip to Mexico.  That night I had just come home from Bible Study and I was listening to Shawn McDonald’s new song “Captivated”.  The song itself filled my heart soul and mind with great thoughts of God.  During the song, I received a text from a close friend of mine…telling me that our friend Paul was involved in a car accident and was currently in a coma.  She then revealed to me that his parents were going to take him off life support that night.  Instantly everything seemed to turn upside down.  I felt like I was just having a nightmare or something and needed to wake up. 

Two years prior he helped us make a movie for AP US History where he acted as our terrorist.  It was a snow day and all the streets were covered with a slippery large layer of snow.  It was hilarious watching him slide around on the abandoned street, holding an old scuba air tank with a nuclear symbol on it yelling out “Dirka Dirka” His last lines of the movie were “Dirka Dirka, I don’t know what I’m saying, Dirka.  Terrorist cold, going inside!” I will never forget that.  We had to cover our mouths to keep ourselves from bursting out laughing. 

How could this be happening?  Immediately I started calling people from my Bible Study telling them what happened and asking them to pray, because he was not a believer.  During those calls, the reality of what happened really hit me.  My eyes were burning.  There is much I don’t know, but what I do know is that God is sovereign.  It is still hard to believe that Paul is gone, but there is great comfort in knowing that God is sovereign. 

As the school year was getting on its way, our class was starting to recover.  There are days I think for everyone where our thoughts are just filled with memories causing us to mourn.  Then it came about when I was checking my facebook that I noticed statuses of some friends from school like “not again…” and “why is this happening?…” I was hoping it wasn’t someone I knew.  Two students from our school and two students from a nearby school where involved in a crash on the freeway.  The driver lost control of the car…Our friend Brandon and the two girls from the other school were killed.  Our other friend Aaron was the only survivor.  Why was this happening? 

Everyone when thinking of Brandon I’m sure thinks right away of his smile.  It always seemed like he was smiling.  I pray the Lord saved him in his last moments.  God is sovereign, and He is good.

Please pray for the families of Paul, Brandon, Kathryn and Katelynn (the two girls from the other school).  Also pray for Aaron and his family.  These are tremendous valleys that they will have to walk through and I pray that God calls them to Himself, that they find their comfort in Him. 

God Bless,


3 responses to “God is Sovereign”

  1. Shannon- God is Sovereign. It is so encouraging to hear that you are praising God admist these trials. I will definately lift up the families and friends of these students in prayer.

  2. Shannon,
    Thanks for sharing this. We will stand with you in prayer for you and your friends during this tough season. Stand firm on the truth that God is Sovereign. He is faithful and true and He will never leave you! He is enough, even in the seemingly impossible seasons of life…He is enough!