
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Today I was speaking with a guy from Swaziland that is here in GA visiting for a few weeks. He was sharing his heart for Swazi and what God is doing there. In conversation, the question was raised, “What’s the best thing that we could do during our short time in Swazi.” We talked about lasting things…pouring into people, encouraging them, offering hope in hopeless situations, simply loving on people and showing them that they matter to God and to us. I’ll be meeting with him later this week to talk more specifics about our trip.

But also, something was mentioned about teaching the orphans a profitable skill. That raised the question in my mind as to what this might look like for our team. I want you guys to seriously pray about this. Are there skills that you have that could be taught to orphans who in turn could learn how to make certain items to sell, providing some income for themselves? I have no idea what this might look like. I just want to open it up to you guys to be praying about. Let’s begin some dialogue on this topic and see what happens. Who knows what God has planned here. Post any thoughts you have in the comment section here. Thanks guys!