
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

**We sent you this email earlier today, but just wanted to make sure you all got it…so we decided to post it as a blog as well.  🙂

Hey team!
I know you must all have a boat load of things swimming through your head regarding our upcoming trip to Swazi. Can you believe that in just 1 month we’ll all be together here in Georgia starting our little fun adventure?! We as leaders cannot wait to meet you all! I’ve got a massive list of things we need to start working on. Please read this email carefully and respond accordingly.  🙂

You guys have thoroughly embraced the communication world of facebook, emails, and blogs. Well done on engaging in that area and getting to know one another. Continue to read the blogs and make comments on them. Take advantage of this opportunity to encourage, speak life, and get to know your fellow teammates. I feel like this all is building unity within our team and I’d say to you “keep it up!” For those of you who haven’t done your blog assignment yet, we’re still waiting to hear from you. I think that’s Jennifer, Kirstie, Lauren, Sarah, and Tawney. Please complete this as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing what God is doing in you.


As you’re emailing with each other about trip specifics, make sure you email everyone on the list (including your leaders) so that we’re all on the same page.

Your Questions
I’m sure you all have a million and a half questions regarding our trip. Chances are if you have a question, there is someone else on the team asking the same question. So we’re going to make it easier on everyone and answer all the questions at once. **Between now and May 22nd (next Thursday) please email me questions you have. Then after Thursday, we as your leaders will get together and compile an email answering as many of your questions as we can. **We’re not guaranteeing answers to all questions, but we’ll do our best.  🙂

The Journey
Don’t forget, we all begin working through “The Journey” Bible study on May 24th. That’s next Saturday. We as your leaders will be doing this alongside you and requiring feedback from you. Just commit and choose in right now as there will be homework. It’s going to be another great way for us to bond, share our hearts, and build unity.  🙂

Prayer Partners
A few weeks ago Don Rock posted a blog titled “Prayer Partners.” If somehow you missed it, please read this blog: Don laid out a challenge for everyone…yet no one has responded. Read the blog, step up to the challenge, and then comment on the blog to prove that you read it. J We all need prayer covering in our lives and especially for our upcoming trip. **This is of high importance and we need your involvement in this. Thanks.

Ministry Supplies List
Thanks for all the work you guys have already done in dividing up these supplies. Please hold off on collecting these for at least another week or so if at all possible. I’m in the process of communicating with our hosts there in Swazi to see what supplies they really need and which ones they are being overrun with. I’ll get an updated list to you ASAP. Also, know that we’re going to be taking over a bunch of baby quilts for the orphans in Swaziland. We’ll need extra space in your ministry bag for these. Again, don’t worry about all this right now, I’ll get you more information soon.

Conference Call
We look forward to talking to all of you on May 27th at 7pm (eastern time). **This is mandatory, don’t forget.

Packing List
We’ll save this for another email. I feel like this topic deserves an email of its own. J

Answer the phone, your leaders are Calling!
During the next few days one of your leaders will be calling you to check in with you. We just want to see how you’re doing and if we can help you with anything as you prepare for our trip. This is not necessarily the time to unload all of your questions, as you should be writing these up in your email response. But we can definitely help bring clarity if there are urgent matters.

Ok, I think that concludes this monster email. I know there is a lot here…thank you for your perseverance in wading through it all. Email me back ASAP with feedback, questions, comments, concerns, etc. The only way we know you received and read this email is if we get a response from you. So please take a few minutes to reply. Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you! Can’t wait to meet all of you guys soon.

Have a blessed week!
Kayla, Whitney, & Seth

9 responses to “Important news from your leaders”

  1. I know you said the conference call is mandatory but I have Bible Study on Tuesday night and will not be able to make it. I hope that is ok.

    What time/day will the leaders be calling? I work everyday except Thursday and Sunday from 9am-4pm. Could we set up a time for that call?

  2. Hi Kayla, Seth, and Whitney!

    I have recieved and reviewed the E-mail of ‘Important news from the leaders’ and am respnding to let you know that the E-mail was recieved. I am sorry in my tardiness to respond to the blogs I have been swamped with term papers, finals, work, and family… I am sure you understand! Have a wonderful day!

    Serving my savior,

  3. You guys rock! I am really impressed with how well you all have gotten to know each other and are supporting each other through prayer! Please add me, Kayla, and Seth to any prayer lists you have. We are praying for you guys and can’t wait to meet you in person!! We have 4 weeks till Swazi!

  4. Ihave a band concert at school on the 27th and wont be able to be at hamo I hope this ok. Also I was wondering if I could also schedule a time for when the leaders call or could you give be an average time because I may have to work.

    I also had a few questions:
    I wasnt quite sure about the dress code someone told me we had to wear skirts all the time and someone said skirts or like capris, I wasn’t sure which one?

    I have a camera that charges and a camera that uses batteries I was wondering if I would be able to charge the one or if I should bring the other one?

  5. Hi Leaders,
    I got the e-mail. Everything sounds good! Sorry I kind of jumped the gun with the craft supplies. I wanted to wait for one of you to approve it, but I don’t think that we have a ton of stuff just yet.

    I’ll be working on the prayer partners. I’ll be sending out another update letter on Saturday and in that I will be asking certain people if they would like to be prayer partners.

    Thanks for the e-mail!

  6. Thanks for reading and for your prompt responses.

    Shannon & Amber – we’ll miss you on our conference call, but we know that it’s near impossible to pick a time where every single person is free. We’ll look forward to the next one you can be a part of.

    Shannon – we’ll work with your schedule and pick a time to call when you’re not at work. If we don’t get you the first time, we’ll keep trying until we catch you. We’re persistent and are looking forward to talking to you.

    Amber – what is your work schedule? If you can give us some specifics, we’ll work around your schedule and call you when you’re available.

    Rob – no worries, thanks for stepping up and taking the lead with the supplies list. I’ll have more information to you guys soon and then you can proceed on according to what we need to pack.

    Keep trucking on the prayer partners deal. I look forward to hearing from you all again soon.

  7. Tawney – what’s your email address? The address we have for you doesn’t work.

  8. Re: Prayer Partners
    Those of us with Facebook have been sharing prayer requests daily. Some of us have been praying over the phone and sharing requests by text msg too.

    Re: Conference Call
    I’ll do my best to be there, but I work until 8pm ya’lls time and that probably won’t work too well. I’ll try though 🙂

  9. I’m thrilled to know you guys have already been praying together and sharing prayer requests. I’d also like to continue to challenge each of you individually to find people in your world to be your prayer covering. People from your churches, families, friends, etc. We want to know how this is going…we’re praying for you as you set up these prayer partners. What amazing things God has in store for each of us this summer!!